How to Find the Best Baby Bottle Sterilizer | Baby Brezza
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How To Find The Best Baby Bottle Sterilizer

Are Baby Bottle Sterilizers Safe?
The first question for many parents about baby bottle sterilizers is wondering whether or not a sterilizer is safe to use. The short answer is, yes, sterilizers are the safest option to use in preventing germs and bacteria from forming in baby bottles. Baby Brezza offers a variety of models so that finding the best sterilizer for baby bottles is never difficult. From the One Step Sterilizer to the Sterilizer Dryer Advanced, this blog will help you find the best baby bottle sterilizer for your baby & your home.

Did you know that it’s essential to sterilize baby products that directly touch your baby’s food and mouth?  Pediatricians recommend that you sterilize and dry all baby products like bottles and pump parts before their first use, then every few weeks after that. If your baby is in daycare, sterilizing and drying should happen weekly. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also recommends that breast pump parts be sterilized daily. And, you should always sterilize all baby products after your little one is sick.

Does the Baby Brezza sterilizer work?

The easiest way to do this is to use a Sterilizer-Dryer like the Baby Brezza One Step™ Baby Bottle Sterilizer Dryer. This revolutionary appliances automatically sterilizes and dries bottles and other baby products in 1 easy step. It uses natural steam to kill 99.9% of germs that could be on your baby bottles, pacifiers, and pumps. Then it automatically dries them so you don’t need to air-dry sterilized products on a non-sterile surface like a drying rack. Sterilizing and drying are critically important in your baby’s first few months while she develops his or her immune system. 

Moms absolutely love the Baby Brezza One Step™ Baby Bottle Sterilizer Dryer! Here’s what one Mom had to say:

“So easy to use AND clean. It’s like magic! I would much rather worry about what outfit baby should wear than about properly sterilizing bottles.” - Ana  

Why Is This Better Than Other Sterilizing And Drying Methods?

Some parents choose other methods to sterilize and dry including boiling or microwaving. But using a sterilizing appliance is so much easier and safer. Boiling is time-consuming and you run the risk of burning yourself when you are pulling bottles filled with boiling water out of the pot to air dry. Microwaving in a sterilizing bag or appliance is convenient but you run the risk of chemical leaching if you’re microwaving plastic. 

Plus when you air dry, you’re putting a sterilized product on a non-sterilized surface like a drying rack which defeats the purpose of sterilizing in the first place.

Is the Baby Brezza sanitizer worth it?

With the Baby Brezza One Step™ Baby Bottle Sterilizer Dryer, you can avoid these risks while savoring the convenience of a one-step process. Just place your items in the machine, turn it on, sterilize in 8 minutes and dry in your choice of 30, 45, or 60 minutes.. Automatically drying is critical because your baby products stay sterilized throughout the drying process and for up to 24 hours afterwards inside the appliance.

 “This is hands down one of the most useful products we’ve had since having our baby boy.” – Yily 

The Baby Brezza One Step™ Baby Bottle Sterilizer Dryer is also simple to use. The LCD control panel is easy to use, and the maintenance is minimal (magic words for any new momma). The 4-in-1 machine features a stainless steel heating plate that protects against rust and hard water buildup. It also shuts off by itself - so when a forgetful new mom moment happens, we’ll have your back. You can also use the product in 4 different ways: Sterilize and dry, sterilize only, dry only, or as a storage rack 

“Thanks to Baby Brezza, I could just stick [bottles] in the sterilizer and voila, the bottles are sterilized. I highly recommend this product.” – Shabnam

What is the difference between Baby Brezza sterilizer and advanced?
While both sterilizers are highly recommended by Baby Brezza, the One Step Sterilizer Dryer Advanced has a higher bottle capacity, dries bottles 33% faster at 30 minutes, and contains a HEPA filter for extra-safe sterilizing and drying. The more standard One Step Sterilizer Dryer dries in 45 minutes, holds a total of 6 bottles, and does not contain a HEPA filter; however, this model is priced lower and may be a more suitable option for parents looking to save. Want bottles sterilized and dried SUPER FAST? The latest SUPERFAST Sterilizer Dryer does both in 10 min. 

Which Baby Brezza Sterilizer is best?
So, what is the best baby bottle sterilizer offered by Baby Brezza? With multiple options and pricemarks to choose from, there are reasons to consider all models available. The baseline One Step Sterilizer does not dry bottles, but is more affordable at less than $100, and guarantees 4 sterilized bottles with every use. The Sterilizer Dryer both sterilizes and dries your baby bottles, and is listed at just above $100 and includes free shipping! Lastly, the Sterilizer Dryer Advanced has more space and dries faster, and is listed at just under $150. For these reasons, it’s important for parents to consider all 3 models in order to find the best baby bottle sterilizer for their home.

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