Why the Formula Pro Dispenser is Worth It | Baby Brezza
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Is a Formula Maker Worth it? Why The Formula Pro Dispenser Is More Accurate, Consistent & Hygienic

If you’re a new parent, you know you’re going to be making a lot of bottles – probably one every 2-3 hours for months on end. That’s a lot of pouring, formula-spilling, bottle mixing, and shaking for a tired mom or dad. You may have heard about our Formula Pro– or “the Baby Keurig,” as many users have affectionately come to call it. But you might be wondering -- “Is a formula maker worth it?” The resounding answer is “Yes!” The reasons why parents want a formula bottle maker may surprise you a little.

A Formula Bottle Maker is Faster & Simpler

For most users, the #1 reason to get a Formula Pro is that it makes the entire baby bottle prep process faster & simpler. Just press a button, and the machine automatically makes a warm formula bottle instantly. This formula bottle prep machine mixes, warms, and dispenses formula to the perfect consistency every time, in seconds! No measuring, no mixing, no warming, and no fuss! Most users save up to 5 minutes per bottle – which can turn into 30+ minutes of newfound time per day to do everything else on your plate, like deciphering your baby’s first coos.

Using a Formula Prep Machine is More Accurate & Consistent than Hand Scooping

A second reason to get a Formula Pro is that it's a lot more accurate than hand scooping. It's nearly impossible to scoop the same amount of any powder, like protein powder or chocolate milk, from scoop to scoop. In fact, studies show there’s up to a 25% variation from one scoop to the next. This means if you’re hand scooping, your baby may be getting up to 25% more or 25% less formula per two ounces of water in every bottle -- which could be harmful to their development.

The Formula Pro, on the other hand, dispenses the proper amount of formula for two ounces of water every time! The reason is simple: these machines use a unique setting for every brand and type of formula to ensure it delivers the proper ratio of water to formula that’s listed on the formula package, making meal prep for infants easier than ever. Click here to see how we develop formula settings.

An Automatic Formula Mixer is More Hygienic

A third reason to use a Formula Pro is they're a lot more hygienic than hand scooping. The machine dispenses the formula from an airtight powder container. This means no germs -- which is very different from reaching into the formula package to scoop out the formula, which can easily transfer germs from your hands to the powder.

No Air Bubbles to Worry About!

Lastly, another reason is that ALL of our the Formula Pro's mix automatically  - making it the solution to mixing baby formula without shaking and air bubbles. When you make a bottle by hand, you need to shake the bottle to mix the water and formula together, which can add air bubbles and cause gas and colic.

An Automatic Baby Bottle Maker is a LifeSaver and Game-Changer

For all of these reasons, most users call the Formula Pro a “lifesaver” and “game changer” and can’t live without it. Dani M from Smyrna, TN said: “Game Changer! Was on the fence about buying but LOVE LOVE this machine!” See all of the reviews on our Formula Pro Advanced.

Check out ALL our Formula Pros now – you won’t regret it, especially every time your hangry baby wakes you up at 3 am!

Why Can’t Babies Drink Cold Formula?

Technically speaking, babies can drink cold formula– but most don’t prefer it! This is because warm formula emulates the naturally warm temperature of breast milk. In the US, water is safe enough to drink without boiling first– this is why the Formula Pro automatic baby bottle maker doesn’t heat the water up to a boiling point and instead warms it to a comfortable, safe degree every time. If you find that your baby prefers chilled formula, that’s fine, too– just make sure to use the formula within 24 hours after dispensing for ultimate safety!

Should I Store Formula Powder in an Airtight Container?

Yes, to be as safe as possible, parents should store formula powder in an airtight container before use in order to avoid any contaminants or germs it may come into contact with in open-air settings. Fortunately for parents and baby both, the Formula Pro formula prep machine includes an airtight chamber to store your formula in! Your formula bottle maker should always be safe and sanitary from the beginning to end of each feeding time, and the Formula Pro is a great step in helping ensure that.

How Do You Bring Formula On the Go?

If you’re heading out for a day trip, you can take formula made with our automatic baby bottle maker in a cooler with ice packs, and it will be safe for baby. However, if you’re headed out for a long trip and still want correctly-portioned formula for your baby the entire time, parents should consider our Formula Pro Mini formula bottle maker– it’s small enough to travel and is still capable of delivering warm, perfectly-mixed formula instantly! 

Baby Feeding & Formula Prep

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