Baby Registry Must Haves | Baby Brezza
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Baby Registry Must Haves: Making the Perfect Registry

Wondering what the must have baby registry items are? Choosing items for your baby registry feels like writing your Christmas list to Santa, but remember that each well-chosen item can make your life easier for years to come. Your registry should be full of researched items that save you money and time down the road. Now is the time to find your true “wishes” that you may be hesitant to buy yourself later on, as oftentimes family and friends will partner together to get you larger ticket items.

Must Have Baby Registry Items

Many parents will start with the basics - bottles, diapers, etc. - but there are so many additional registry items that will make life easier in the long run. One of the biggest challenges of newborn parents is how much time it takes to care for a baby. They require near-constant care, so one of our primary baby registry tips is that you should register for baby products that make basic, everyday tasks easier. That way you can ensure you have more time to spend with your baby or manage the millions of other tasks on your plate.

At Baby Brezza, we are committed to creating revolutionary products that save you time feeding your baby so you have less stress, more rest, and more time with your family. Here are some of our baby registry recommendations  to help round out your registry and make a difference in your life when the baby arrives.

Tip 1: Create Baby Registry with A Sterilizer or Sterilizer-Dryer

Did you know that sterilizing baby bottles, pump parts and other baby products that end up in your baby's mouth is a must when feeding your baby? The reason is that harmful bacteria can sneak their way into your baby’s mouth if the products that end up in your baby's mouth aren't cleaned properly.

Baby Brezza makes it easy with our family of Sterilizers and Sterilizer-Dryers that kill 99.9% of germs and in some cases, automatically dry too! This avoids sterilizing through a time-consuming or less effective approach like boiling, running under hot water or using your dishwasher. Just push one button and these appliances do the rest! Sterilizers and Sterilizer-Dryers are must have baby registry items. Our Bottle Washer Pro even washes bottles, saving you even more time and hassle.

With Baby Brezza Sterilizer-Dryers, items are automatically dried and remain sterile for 24 hours in the unopened machine, meaning you can set it before going to bed and have bottles and pump parts ready-to-use for morning feedings or pumping sessions. It’s no wonder Moms call them “like magic for a busy mom!” Click here to find the best sterilizer for your needs and add to your list of baby registry must haves.

Tip 2: Add A Formula Maker To Your Registry

Most parents will end up formula feeding their baby at some point, which is a very time-consuming process. It can take up to 5 minutes to hand scoop powder, add water, shake and warm up in a bottle warmer. When you’re making 6-8 bottles a day for your baby, the time adds up.

With the Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced, you can save 30 minutes a day with this revolutionary appliance that automatically makes a warm formula bottle instantly. It precisely dispenses and mixes to the perfect consistency to avoid air bubbles and clumping with the push of a button. It's a "lifesaver" and "timesaver", especially for 3am feedings! This formula feeding must-have should be added to your list of what to include on your baby registry. 

Tip 3: Add A Bottle Warmer, the Ultimate Baby Registry Must Have

If you're thinking of warming your baby's bottle (which most parents do), then you'll need a bottle warmer. You should include a bottle warmer on your list of must-have baby registry items so you don't use a microwave to warm up a bottle which is unsafe for your baby due to hotspots.

Baby Brezza has two unique bottle warmers that make warming easier! If you want to make a warm bottle instantly, add the Baby Brezza Instant Warmer to your baby registry. It dispenses warm water 24/7 so you never have to wait to warm up a bottle again. Just add formula, mix and feed!

We offer another unique bottle warmer is the only one that has two unique settings to safely heat up formula and breastmilk and is smart so you can operate it from your phone using Bluetooth. This warmer uses a warm water bath to safely heat up breastmilk -- protecting the precious nutrients in Mom's "Liquid Gold" -- and steam to quickly heat up formula. Nearly all other bottle warmers only use steam which can ruin the proteins in breastmilk, making this item a must have for a baby registry.

Ready to create your perfect baby registry with the best baby must haves from Baby Brezza? Find more time-saving Baby Brezza products that parents will love by clicking here

Baby Registry FAQs

What are the benefits of making a baby registry?
A baby registry not only helps you stay organized, but it also makes it easier for loved ones to buy gifts you actually need and want. Many retailers also offer completion discounts, which allow you to purchase remaining items at a lower price. Some registries even come with free welcome boxes full of samples and coupons.

When should I make my baby registry?
Most expectant parents create their baby registry during the second trimester, around 20 weeks. At this point, you have likely had your anatomy scan, know the baby’s gender (if you're finding out), and have a clearer idea of your needs. Creating it early also allows you time to research products and update the registry before sending it out.

How many items should be on my baby registry?
There's no set number, but most registries contain anywhere from 50 to 150 items. It’s important to include a mix of essentials like diapers and bottles, as well as higher-priced items like a crib or stroller. This variety gives friends and family options that fit different budgets, ensuring they can contribute in a way that works for them.

Is it okay to ask for cash on your baby registry?
Yes, it's becoming more common to ask for cash or contributions toward specific goals like a college fund, nursery setup, or even a babymoon. Many registry platforms now offer cash fund options, which allow guests to contribute toward these goals. Just be sure to frame it in a way that emphasizes what the money will be used for, so it feels more personal and intentional.

Can you add big-ticket items to your baby registry?
Absolutely! Adding big-ticket items like a crib, stroller, or car seat is perfectly acceptable. Many guests appreciate knowing what large items are needed, and some might choose to team up with others to purchase them. Additionally, most registry platforms allow for group gifting, where multiple people can contribute to the cost of a more expensive item, making it easier for guests to participate without feeling obligated to spend too much.

What should I avoid putting on my baby registry?

Avoid adding unnecessary or unsafe items. For instance, while baby walkers might seem fun, they can pose safety risks and are often not recommended by pediatricians. Additionally, you might want to skip too many newborn-sized clothes, as babies quickly outgrow them. Instead, focus on items that will last longer and grow with your baby.

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