Spring Clean Your Jewelry Like a Pro | Baby Brezza
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Spring Clean Your Jewelry Like a Pro

When learning how to sterilize jewelry, knowing when it’s time for a refresh is key. Just like your house or apartment, your jewelry box needs an annual deep cleaning, too. Many people love to wear their jewelry on a daily basis, and choose not to remove them when working, exercising, etc. Exposing them to the elements can leave our favorite pieces dull, dirty or even damaged. If you want your jewelry to last as long as possible, and if you want to prevent bacteria from spreading, keeping them clean and sterile is key. Luckily, cleaning jewelry is relatively easy– and with Baby’s Brezza help, learning how to disinfect earrings, rings, and your other favorite pieces is simpler than ever.

What Does Spring Cleaning Symbolize?

For many people, spring cleaning is about much more than just getting rid of junk and dirt. It's also meant to symbolize starting a new chapter and clearing out all the negatives in the mind and soul to make way for good times ahead. Below you’ll find some of the best tips and tricks to deep clean your jewelry this spring, or year-round. At the end, we’ll discuss our personal favorite method for cleaning jewelry using a jewelry sterilizer you may not have considered before.

What Can I Clean My Jewelry With?

Antibacterial Soap & Water

When learning how to sanitize jewelry at home, it’s often hard to go wrong with the classic methods. Antibacterial soap is one of the most common ingredients for cleaning jewelry at home. This solution contains additional antimicrobial or antiseptic properties that can be great for cleaning many materials. All you need to do is soak the pieces in warm water and antibacterial soap for a few minutes, then rinse and dry carefully– remember that scrubbing or cleaning jewelry too hard could cause minor scratches or damage!

Hydrogen Peroxide

Learning how to sterilize jewelry can also mean needing to get a little thrifty. Many people use hydrogen peroxide to clean their precious jewelry due to its safety, availability and affordability. It simultaneously acts as a disinfectant and removes dirt. All you need to do is dip a cotton pad into a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and run it over your jewelry pieces, or you can let them soak in said solution for a few minutes before rinsing thoroughly.

Boiling Water

Sometimes, the best jewelry sterilizer is the simplest option– depending on the type of jewelry you have. Hot water can be an easy (and cheap) cleaning solution, but should only be used for hard metal jewelry. To use this method, simply submerge your jewelry in boiling water for about 30 minutes, then remove and wipe away any grime with a clean cloth.

Learning how to sterilize jewelry at home comes with a little practice and awareness for how each jewelry cleaning method affects your pieces. While any of these methods can be successful, they can also be too abrasive and easily damage jewelry if not done correctly. Plus, many store bought jewelry cleaners are only made for one specific type of jewelry such as diamonds, silver, or pearls. This can make cleaning multiple types of jewelry in one batch more difficult. Luckily there is one fool proof way to clean and sterilize your jewelry at home, without the risk of damage.

What Is the Best Home Remedy to Clean Jewelry?

New parents may be wondering about other uses for a bottle sterilizer, and will be surprised to learn how efficient of a jewelry sterilizer it can be! The absolute best way to professionally deep clean your jewelry without an autoclave is to use a steamer sterilizer. One of the best at-home sterilizers available is the Baby Brezza One Step Baby Bottle Sterilizer. This sterilizer kills 99.9% of germs using pure, natural steam. While it was designed to clean baby bottles and parts, it is completely safe to use with many other household items! Steam and heat will cause dirt and debris to loosen from the jewelry, making it super easy to wipe away. Cleaning jewelry just got easier than ever!

What Else Can You Use a Bottle Sterilizer For?

As previously mentioned, a bottle sterilizer can be used to sterilize many items that collect dirt and bacteria –– baby related or not. Other uses for a bottle sterilizer  include things like cell phone cases, keys, and glasses, plus pacifiers, breast pump parts, baby toys, and rubber nipples. So explore the gadget today to see for yourself, and discover how the One Step Sterilizer Dryer Advanced can save you even more time by sterilizing and drying 33% faster.

Find the Right Sterilizer for YOU!

Bottle Cleaning

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