Sweet Pea & Lamb Baby Food | Baby Brezza
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Sweet Pea & Lamb Baby Food Puree

As baby gets a little older and is able to start experiencing the entire, complex world of flavors available to cook and eat with, it’s time to introduce them to the deliciousness of lamb baby food. Paired with the perfect pea puree for baby, this rich recipe calls on Mediterranean flavor traditions, as well as African and Asian with the inclusion of cooked millet. Baby lamb food has never tasted better, and we hope your little one will be as excited to eat this dish as we are to tell you about it! Read on to discover the best of the best of lamb puree recipes for baby, and how combining it with baby pea puree makes for an even tastier, healthier eating experience. 

Yield: approximately 1-1/4 cups (11 ounces)
1/2 cup (4.5 ounces) raw ground lamb
1 cup (5 ounces) frozen peas
1/4 cup (1 ounce) cooked millet
1 tablespoon chopped mint
3/4 cup plain yogurt

Place lamb and peas in the One Step Homemade Baby Food Maker Deluxe  and steam for 15 minutes.
Add millet and mint and puree to smooth (45 seconds).

Is Lamb Good for Babies?

Absolutely! Not only is it a flavorful delicacy loved by many cultures across the world– it’s healthy for nearly every age group, including your little one! This tasty lamb puree for baby is packed with all sorts of nutrients that support your growing baby with a strong network of nutrients that taste as good as they work for development! Rich in protein and high in fat, our baby lamb food recipe provides healthy energy to your little one, while also providing plenty of iron, omega-3’s, and vitamins B6 and B12, ensuring parents that this meal is the ultimate treatment in a healthy, tasty meal.

How Long Does Cooked Lamb Keep in the Fridge?

While delicious and nutritious, parents should keep in mind that lamb puree for baby doesn’t last long in the fridge once it’s been prepared! After you’ve put together this delectable lamb puree recipe for baby, remember to use any leftovers within 3 to 4 days– and the earlier you eat them, the better! Lamb will begin to spoil after the 4 day mark, and will no longer be safe for baby to consume. We get the feeling that this lamb baby food with pea puree won’t be in the fridge for too long as it is– it’s simply too good to resist!

Are There Nutrients in Frozen Peas?

Luckily, parents can count on the power of frozen peas for this pea puree for baby– which means this dish is more affordable, and just as healthy! Combined with this lamb puree for baby, your little one is guaranteed a flavorful, healthy meal that parents may even have a hard time resisting. The nutrients you can trust to find in frozen peas include things like healthy fats and carbs, as well as iron, phosphorus, and potassium that are each important for baby’s development. Not to mention, the fiber present in this baby pea puree will help with your little one’s digestion!


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