Easy Spinach & Avocado Baby Food Recipe | Baby Brezza
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Easy Greens Spinach & Avocado Baby Food Recipe

Are you a parent looking for an easy recipe for avocado baby food? How about spinach baby food? Fortunately, this super-simple recipe combines the best of both worlds with a mixture focused on easy greens for baby’s diet– with the added bonus of being delicious! Avocado for baby makes for a great source of healthy fats, and spinach is an excellent source of nutrients, too. So, here’s how to make a spinach puree for baby that comes with an extra dose of flavor!


  • 1 apple: diced to ¼ inch pieces
  • ½ cup spinach
  • 1 avocado: diced to ¼ inch pieces


  • Place apple, spinach and avocado into Baby Brezza® One Step Food Maker Deluxe
  • Press “Steam & Blend” for 10 minutes
  • Serve to your baby or store

What Are the Health Benefits of Spinach for Babies?

Spinach is a strong and easy source of nutrients for growing babies– as a good source of both vitamin K and magnesium, spinach helps promote healthier, stronger bones for babies and adults alike. In early stages of development, it’s important that babies’ bones grow as strong as possible! Combined with this tasty apple and avocado blend, parents can give their baby a delicious meal or snack for the best development possible.

What Are the Health Benefits of Avocado for Babies?

Avocado is rich in healthy fats and vitamins that encourage growth, energy, and brain development for your little one! Avocado for baby also means they’re getting a healthy dose of daily fiber to help with digestion, which is important to keep baby regular. Vitamins like B6, vitamin E, and zinc can be found in avocados and will help strengthen baby’s immune system and overall health. Healthy fats from avocados also promote more energy throughout the day and are a great step in brain development!

How Old Should a Baby Be Before Eating Avocado or Spinach?

It’s recommended that parents wait until baby is around 6-9 months before feeding avocado or spinach to baby. Babies aren’t typically ready for semi-solids (or solids) until 6 months or after, but for parents worried about their baby’s digestion, there’s no harm in waiting a little longer. Just be sure to try out this simple, delicious recipe for easy greens whenever you decide it’s time!


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