5 Positive Parenting Tips Every Parent Should Know – Baby Brezza
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5 Positive Parenting Tips Every Parent Should Know

On February 11th, Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day is celebrated to remind us to promote a positive attitude even when things don’t quite go our way. As a parent, it is important to not only stay positive during tough moments and hardships but also to instill this positive attitude in your child from a young age. Positive parenting impacts your child for the rest of their lives– and the rest of yours, too. In this guide, we’ll go over a few tips for new parents that will help teach you how to be a good parent now and in the future.

Parenting is never easy, and unfortunately, we all naturally tend to focus on the negative. This is even more true for children, which is why we’ve compiled 5 of the best positive parenting tips to employ in the good times –– and the bad. These techniques will help you create a positive environment in which you can truly nurture your child’s emotional and personal development. While it’s hard to write a parent's guide that works exactly the same for every family, simply applying a few positive parenting mindset changes can go a long way. So, this February 11th, let’s not cry over spilled milk and instead enjoy the silver lining!

What Makes a Positive Parent?

According to psychologists, “positive parents” deal with obstacles by avoiding harsh punishment when correcting problematic behavior. Just because punishment works doesn’t mean it’s the best method for your child. In fact, positive parenting solutions encourage communication over hefty punishments because it seems to make a better impact on your child’s trust in you as they age. Positive parents seek to actively fulfill their child’s emotional needs through positive interactions, which can, in turn, prevent bad behavior from even happening in the first place. Want to use positive parenting in your home? Below are 5 techniques that you can start using today. While there is no set collection of rules for the best parenting style, we believe these 5 shifts in focus, attitude, and feelings can help build a stronger, more communicative relationship with your child. 

5 Positive Parenting Tips & Techniques:

  1. Empathize
    As an adult, it can be difficult to remember how confusing, frustrating, and arduous childhood can be. Every emotion your child feels is completely valid, including anger. Listening with openness, letting them know that these feelings are normal –– and that you understand how they are feeling –– will go a long way when fostering self-acceptance. Making sure your child feels understood as often as possible is a comforting, useful positive parenting solution that will only serve to strengthen your bond together.
  1. Use Positive Reinforcement
    Learning how to be a good parent means employing a lot of positive reinforcement when and where possible. Positive reinforcement is a concept often used in behavioral psychology to help teach, as well as strengthen, positive behaviors, and is a great tool in good parenting. When your child does something good, you can reinforce this behavior by giving them attention, verbal recognition, or tangible rewards. This method is effective for any age and can start as early as the toddler stage. Conversely, you should withhold reinforcement for negative behaviors (i.e. not reinforcing tantrums with a bottle of milk to make them stop crying).

    Pro tip: Remove the stress of bottle making with Baby Brezza’s intuitive Formula Makers, Bottle Warmers, Sterilizers, and more.
  1. Turn Mistakes Into Learning Opportunities
    In terms of tips for new parents, this one can feel difficult, frustrating, and downright impossible at times. Even negative situations, and especially mistakes, can become teachable moments for kids. Instead of punishing your child when they make a mistake, shift the focus to helping them learn and grow, so they can do better next time. For example, if your child misbehaves, explain to them what the positive outcome of good behavior in the same situation would be.
  1. Expect the Unexpected
    Childhood and infancy can be wildly unpredictable. If you, as a parent, are prepared for each outcome, it is more likely that you will respond to negative experiences in a calm and rational manner. Positive parenting is patient parenting! Modeling good behavior is the best way to lead by example. If you are a new parent, it can be even trickier to stay prepared. Baby Brezza can help you focus on the important moments and make bottle making a breeze with time-saving products like the 1-Step Formula Mixer and Bottle + Breastmilk Warmer.
  1. Encourage Curiosity, Independence & Personal Development
    The best parenting styles are the ones that let their child discover who they are, with a little help from encouragement and positive parenting solutions. Fostering curiosity in childhood is important, as it encourages children to become more observant and figure things out on their own. This independence and inquisitiveness allow them to expand their knowledge and problem-solving skills in every aspect of their development.

What Is the Most Positive Parenting Style?

Remember that there is no set-in-stone “best parenting style” to subscribe to, but there are tips for new parents that go a long way! An authoritative parenting style is widely recognized as the best approach, as it can often produce the best overall outcomes. Authoritative parents teach values and reasoning by supporting and guiding their kids through open and honest discussions. They allow their children to make mistakes but also remain a strong, trusted resource for their child at all times. Children raised by authoritative parents are often more likely to develop into independent, successful, and well-behaved adults.

While practicing positive parenting can sometimes be difficult and more time-consuming, the long-term benefits of being patient will always outweigh the struggle. Not only will you benefit from positive parenting, but your child will learn essential skills like listening, cooperating, problem-solving, and self-regulation. So, let's celebrate National Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day by practicing positivity!

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