5 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions for New Moms – Baby Brezza
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5 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions for New Moms

Happy New Year, Mom! Whether you’re a new mom, new parent, or just new to making new year’s resolutions, January can be a great time to re-evaluate your goals and priorities for the coming year. However, it's important not to choose difficult, stressful, or ambitious resolutions that you can never keep. New Year’s resolutions for working moms may be completely different than those of new moms, and vice versa; no matter the case, knowing what you need to start your year off with your little one in the best way possible is key. 

With this in mind, this blog will help you make healthy, realistic New Year’s resolutions for moms so you'll have an even better year than the last. Here is some of the best advice for setting family-friendly goals that will help you be the best version of yourself. If you’re shopping for her, getting the right gift for mom on New Year’s can also be a great way to show your support!

Enjoy The Little Things 

At times, it can be easy to lose sight of simple pleasures when you’re struggling to keep everything moving according to plan. Bedtime might roll around too soon, or dinner might take an unexpected turn, but either way, it’s essential to pay attention to the smallest, purest little moments that make motherhood so meaningful. Some New Year’s resolutions for moms may simply be giving themselves the gift of more time throughout the day. 

So remind yourself to step back and enjoy the day whenever you can. One way to do this is to create more time for you and your little one by using Baby Brezza’s tools to simplify everyday parenting tasks. Take making homemade baby food. You can use the Baby Brezza Glass One Step Food Maker and make homemade baby food at the push of a button! Learn to laugh off missteps and pay attention to the beauty of surprises. Let a hug linger a little longer, and take a moment to really marvel at how much your baby grows each day. New Year wishes for mom may often just be getting to appreciate every moment with their little one that doesn’t involve changing, feeding, or naptime. The moments that seem to last forever will fly by all too quickly, so make an effort to enjoy them while you can.

Get the Best Sleep Possible -- And More of It!

The best New Year gift for mom can often just be a little extra shut-eye in order to stay energized for another day of parenting! Every new parent knows that sleep is precious and all too often all too rare with a newborn. That said, it’s important to take advantage of every opportunity to catch up on rest. Getting enough sleep is absolutely crucial for your sustained physical and mental health, and a few hours, or even minutes, of deep sleep will quickly transform your day-to-day. 

New Year’s resolutions for working moms will often include needing plenty of rest. So whenever you can, try to cut out screen time before bed and find a way to create and maintain your sleep routine. Whether that means lying down every single time your little one falls asleep or going to bed at night with your phone in another room, try to make (and maintain) a realistic New Year’s resolution to help you stick to a smart sleep routine. Of course, if you need a little help coaxing your baby to fall asleep first, you can try vibrating bassinets that soothes baby to sleep. Or check out Baby Brezza's full Sleep and Soothing collection today to find the perfect solution to help your baby (and you) sleep better! Happy New Year, Mom– it’s time for bed!

Carve Out Time For Yourself 

While making the most of these early days with your baby is important, it’s also imperative not to lose yourself in the process. Because of this, many New Year’s resolutions for moms simply involve learning how to create moments of peace and relaxation for themselves throughout the day by finding ways to cut down on time from longer tasks. Every new mother needs to create time for herself away from the stress and pressures of her household and should try to block out at least an hour or two each week for a personal treat. If you’re often short on time, you may want to try the Formula Pro Advanced which automatically makes a warm formula bottle instantly! No more mess, mixing or fuss and you can get back 30 minutes a day for yourself! 

Maybe your mom New Year’s resolution means finding that one moment entirely to yourself. This could be as small as a short walk through the neighborhood, a long, warm soak in the tub, or a night out with friends. No matter what the ritual or occasion, it’s always important to check back in with yourself to work through and recognize your needs. Setting a healthy New Year’s resolution to find this time each week will also allow you to promise yourself a day when you can take a deep breath and put ongoing frustrations back in perspective.

Reach Out and Connect 

We can all admit that, at times, motherhood can become lonely. With this in mind, one healthy New Year’s resolution every new parent can make is to simply never lose sight of your closest friends and family and to check in whenever you can. Make an effort to connect with other new parents and show up for them when it’s their time to ask for help. Never forget that others are working through your same frustrations -- many of whom are probably excited to discuss, empathize, and even share solutions! In this way, New Year’s resolutions for moms could just be regaining an understanding of what it takes to be the best moms and their best selves possible– even if that means creating the time to connect with other adults and friends in order to gain better insight.

Of course, reaching out to old friends to meet up and blow off some steam is also alright! Don’t forget to make time for every version of yourself, and always try to provide for your shifting wants and needs. Perhaps your New Year’s resolutions revolve around spending more time with your friends, as well as your family! Learning how to stay connected with everyone special in your life will only serve to help you build appreciation with yourself, your little one, and all of your favorite people.

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others 

Perhaps Mom’s New Year’s resolution is gaining more confidence. It can be tempting to compare yourself to other new parents and find gaps in your efforts or routines. You may have even felt pushed to design New Year’s Resolutions around becoming a “better” mother rather than a happier, healthier version of yourself. 

Whenever you can, try to take a deep breath and stop comparing your efforts to those of other parents. Your relationship with your child will always be special simply because of the mother you already are, so try to pause and take in the extraordinary person you’ve already become! Then, find what makes you and your child both feel happy and loved, and keep on working towards it.

Have a great New Year!

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