Award-Winning Products - Make Parenting Easier – Baby Brezza
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Award-Winning Products - Make Parenting Easier

One of the most useful and time saving products for new parents is the Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced. This formula maker is a game changer for middle of the night feedings (or middle of the day feedings too), automatically making a warm formula bottle instantly. You can customize bottles for your baby with 3 temperature settings and any volume of formula between 2-10 oz. Perfect for all brands of bottles and formulas, this gift will win big points with the new or expecting parent in your life!


Check out the Safe + Smart Bottle Warmer! It's the ONLY bottle warmer with Bluetooth connectivity so you can easily operate right from your phone. Choose from two unique warming settings to quickly warm formula or safely warm breast milk (which preserves its essential nutrients). The free Baby Brezza app lets you choose your warming settings from your phone, plus sends you alerts when your bottle is ready. Save time during middle of the night feedings with the only Smart bottle warmer!

The One Step Food Maker Deluxe is the perfect gift for parents who love to spend time in the kitchen and are looking for easy ways to make healthy and delicious homemade baby food. This food maker automatically steams & blends food in 1 easy step, making up to 4 cups in as little as 10 minutes -- which makes them the perfect gift for the Foodie new or expecting parent. Help save valuable time, and create lasting memories with this fantastic gift!

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