3 Ways to Stay Healthy for First-Time Dads – Baby Brezza
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3 Ways to Stay Healthy for First-Time Dads

Becoming a new dad is one of life’s amazing moments! During this next new year as a parent, it is important to continue to take better care of yourself not only for you, but for your family.

A new year brings growth and opportunity for your health and wellness in 2023.  Research shows that men tend to underestimate the importance of seeking help from medical professionals.

Let’s go over a few tips that can help you stay healthier as a new dad.

#1 Superfoods 

Your mind and body require all the best to be fully present and active as a dad. Adding superfoods to your diet as well as cooking more homemade meals that contain fresh ingredients can overall help your diet.  There are many superfoods that offer a nutritional boost for men’s health.

Researchers note that a dad’s diet choices can have an impact on your child and family's dietary choices, so it’s important to set a healthy example. U.S. News and Reports as part of its 2023 Family Friendly Diet Recommendations has the Flexitarian Diet, Mediterranean Diet, and Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC) Diet at the top of its rankings.

#2 Self-Care Time

If able, take your parental leave to have enough time off to rest and support the new dynamic of having a new baby at home. Include room in your schedule for your hobbies, activities, and personal care. Self-care has even been shown to provide an advantage to your immune health.

Meditation, acts of kindness, and gratitude can all be a part of your self-care. Another  great idea for your self-care may be spending more time on your personal grooming. When you look good, you feel good. And with the busy schedule of being a new dad, your grooming habits can change.

The stress of being a new dad, lack of sleep, and a poor diet can all lead to potential hair loss and thinning.  On the other hand, a balanced diet that incorporates healthy foods and protein and getting proper sleep can help your hair stay healthy. However, if these lifestyle and dietary changes aren’t fixing the issue, going to a medical provider can help you evaluate and determine the proper hair loss solutions to address concerns.

#3 Getting the Steps

As a new dad, it can be easy falling into the habit of missing out on your regular workout sessions.

Studies have found that there are health benefits when fathers maintain healthy levels of physical activity.  There are plenty of ways to make your workout time easier as a new dad.

  • Create a home gym in your basement or spare room
  • Convert an old closet space into a mini-workout room
  • Add an under desk treadmill in the office

Find that extra workout session by joining a community of parents to start a daily  jog or weekly walk around the neighborhood. 

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