Formula Pro Health & Safety Information | Baby Brezza
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The Accuracy Of The Formula Pro Advanced Accuracy Is Our Top Priority!

We want you to know that our #1 priority is to ensure that the Formula Pro Advanced works accurately every time. We have put together the below information to answer your questions about the appliance and to highlight the extensive testing we conduct to ensure that the Formula Pro Advanced dispenses accurately every time. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please reach out to our Customer Service team through our contact form or by calling 888-396-6552 (M-F, 9am-5pm ET). 


We are very confident in the machine’s ability to make and dispense a warm formula bottle consistently that precisely matches the formula to water ratio as specified on the formula manufacturer’s label. Like many other products designed for babies, the Formula Pro requires users to follow simple instructions for proper use and cleaning.

Our series of instructional videos offer detailed operating and cleaning tips. Due to the natural human error that occurs when formula is measured by hand, the Formula Pro is a significantly more accurate and precise way to make a bottle

The Formula Pro is also more hygienic than hand scooping formula since the machine automatically dispenses the formula  


We have extensive testing and quality assurance procedures in place before our machines even leave the factory to ensure they consistently dispense the right amount of formula and water.

We re-test every major brand and type of formula at least once a year at our lab to make sure our formula settings are accurate and deliver the formula weight per two ounces of water as specified by the manufacturer on each formula’s label. We also continually test new formulas as they become available or as we become aware of them and upon user request. 

This video shows our robust testing process:


If you'd like to measure the amount of formula dispensed by the Formula Pro Advanced at home, please do not try the "Bag Test" because it's highly inaccurate. Instead, you can try the official "Baby Brezza Accuracy Test". In this test, you place a piece of plastic wrap inside the two pieces of the mixing funnel (not stuffed into the dispensing hole on top). When you perform this test, you’ll see that the formula dispensed matches the weight that's listed on the formula label. If you want to compare this weight to the weight of a formula scoop, please make sure the formula scoop is perfectly level and you don’t spill any when you measure on a precise gram scale that measures to the tenth of a gram. Click here to watch this plastic wrap test on TikTok.

If you'd like to see an independent assessment of the accuracy of the Formula Pro Advanced, Michelle at Baby Foode performed her own test which proved the machine was accurate. Click here to see her results.  


The vast majority of users are delighted by this time-saving product, as evidenced by:
  • Amazon reviews – 72% or over 2,500 reviews with 4 or 5 star ratings
  • Google Shopping reviews – 91% or 1,480 reviews with 4 or 5 star ratings
  • Accolades from trusted sources like Good Housekeeping, What to Expect, Babylist and PopSugar including being named a Best Baby Product 2020 by Baby List and a What to Expect Awards Winner in 2019
92% of Moms said the Formula Pro was easy to use in a 2018 survey by Baby Brezza of moms who had used the machine for two weeks. We are very confident in the Formula Pro’s ability to safely, accurately, and consistently make the perfect warm bottle each and every day.

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