6 Reason Why Your Baby Won't Stop Crying | Baby Brezza
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Baby Won’t Stop Crying: 9 Reasons to Consider

As a new parent, you’re in the adjustment phase. You’re now taking care of an infant that can’t communicate the way you're accustomed to. Without the verbal communication, it’s hard to understand what a baby needs. Let’s go over a few key ways to learn how to make a baby stop crying.

As your baby becomes fussy or cries, you often ask yourself, what’s wrong? Over time, you’ll learn your baby’s signals. They will begin to make specific cries or whines for certain needs. The “I’m pooping” and “I’m hungry” cries will be distinctively different. Eventually, you’ll anticipate those situations, take preventative steps like timing baby’s feedings, and know how to make a baby stop crying– or what it means– with ease. 

In the meantime, when the baby starts wailin', check these six potential reasons to help you soothe your baby as quickly as possible.

1. Is your baby hungry?

Sometimes when your newborn won’t stop crying, it simply means they’re hungry! Maybe baby just ate an hour ago, and you’re thinking, “there is no way they are hungry again!” It’s still worth trying to feed them because they could be going through a growth spurt and need the extra calories.

2. Is your baby’s diaper dirty?

If the baby won’t stop crying and won’t eat, the next most obvious thing to check is the diaper. Some babies could live in a soiled diaper all day with a smile on their face. Other babies sense even the tiniest moisture, and their shrieks can be heard 100 miles away. 

3. Is your baby too hot or cold?

If your newborn won’t stop crying, it could be as simple as a temperature issue! As a rule of thumb, babies only need to wear one additional layer of clothing more than adults to feel comfortable in any particular climate. So, if it’s summer and you wish you could be running naked through the sprinklers, but your baby is wearing more than just a diaper, they might be too hot. If they appear sweaty or flushed, chances are they are too hot. On the opposite side, if you wish you were wearing 25 layers on a cold winter’s day, the baby needs 26. And if the baby ever looks pale or feels cold, they probably are. Remedy either of these issues, and their tears might just cease.

4. Does your baby need to be soothed?

When wondering how to make a baby stop crying, sometimes babies just need to be soothed. They’ve been cuddled or “swaddled” in Mom’s womb for months and miss it! There are lots of ways to soothe your baby, including using a swaddle, a pacifier (remember, babies love to suck!), rocking them, or playing a soothing white noise. 

5. Is your baby in pain?

If baby won’t eat or sleep or stop crying, it’s possible that they could be in some sort of pain. Maybe the car seat buckle pinched the baby’s chunky thighs. Or maybe their swing has them scrunched in an uncomfortable position. Or maybe their fingernails scratched their delicate skin.[1]

One important, nearly invisible cause of pain can be a small string or hair wrapped tightly around the baby’s fingers or toes, so be sure to remove their socks and gloves/mittens to check and make sure this doesn’t happen to your baby.

6. Is your baby sick?

If your baby won’t stop crying and won’t eat either, it could mean that they are sick. If the baby has: a fever over 100.4 F; an inexplicable rash; isn’t eating their usual amount; vomits up nearly their entire feeding; or hasn’t had their normal number of wet or poopy diapers, then you should contact the pediatrician to rule out any illness. If you ever have any concerns, always contact your pediatrician to discuss and possibly bring baby in for a check-up! 

7. Is your baby overstimulated?

If your baby won’t stop crying, they may be overstimulated by too much noise, light, or activity around them. Newborns can easily become overwhelmed, which can lead to fussiness and crying. Try moving to a quieter, dimmer environment to help calm your baby and see if this reduces their crying.

8. Is your baby overtired?

Sometimes, when your baby crying continues despite all your efforts, they might simply be overtired. Babies who are too tired often have a harder time settling down and falling asleep. Look for signs of fatigue like yawning or eye rubbing and help your baby wind down with calming activities.

9. Does your baby need to be burped?

If your baby won’t stop crying after feeding, they may need to be burped. Trapped gas can cause discomfort, leading to prolonged crying. Gently patting or rubbing your baby’s back can help release the gas and provide relief, potentially stopping the crying.

What Should You NOT Do When a Baby Cries?

When your newborn won’t stop crying, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and act or think irrationally. There’s a handful of responses and thought patterns to avoid when you feel like you’re entering crisis mode trying to get baby to calm down. You should never shake your baby or become angry and raise your voice at your baby– it’s also recommended to put space between yourself and your baby if they won’t stop crying and you’re finding it hard to calm down.[2]

    How Quickly Should You Respond to Baby Crying?

    For new parents with newborns that won’t stop crying, it’s important to understand that responding promptly to crying is always a good idea, and the belief that you can spoil a baby early on by doing this is false. Responding promptly will make the baby feel safer and more tended to, and parents can often curb crying early on by responding quickly.

      What is Considered Excessive Crying in Babies? 

      First and foremost, it’s important to note that every baby cries regularly for the first three months, and even this regular pattern can feel what some might consider excessive. Colicking, or excessive crying by definition, is when a baby cries for over three hours up to three days out of the week.

        Should You Always Respond to a Crying Baby?

        Yes. It is always encouraged to respond to your crying baby. A baby needs comfort, closeness, and reassurance when your newborn won’t stop crying and neglecting to tend to them can cause even more stress. Always see what you can do to comfort your baby before getting frustrated and letting them “cry themselves to sleep,” etc.!

          Can certain foods I eat make my baby cry more if I’m breastfeeding?

          Yes, some foods in a breastfeeding mother’s diet, like caffeine or spicy foods, can sometimes upset a baby’s stomach, leading to more crying. If your baby crying seems linked to your diet, consider keeping a food diary and consulting with a pediatrician.

            When should I worry about my baby’s crying?

            If your newborn won’t stop crying and exhibits other symptoms like a high fever, lethargy, or unusual fussiness, it’s important to contact a pediatrician. Persistent crying that doesn’t respond to usual comforting methods may indicate an underlying health issue that needs medical attention.
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