When Can Babies Drink Water? | Baby Brezza
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When Can Babies Have Water and How to Transition Them

Can babies drink water? As a new mom, you’ve been serving formula and breast milk in a bottle for quite some time. Wouldn’t it be nice to simply pour a sippy cup of whole milk or water from your refrigerator instead? Transitional sippy cups go hand in hand with leaving formula and breast milk behind for other beverages– and knowing things like when to give baby water go with this step, too. According to KidsHealth®, “most doctors recommend introducing a cup around the time a baby is 6 months old.” While they may not know what to do with it, in time they will develop the proper coordination needed for when it comes time to transition to give baby water.

Transition cups are perfect for this stage in your baby’s development, whether you’re wondering when to give baby juice, whole milk, or water. They are the easiest to clean with 1 less part than other sippy cups. Plus they are 100% leak and spill-proof, have a soft silicone spout that’s gentle on your baby’s teeth and gums and removable, easy-grip handles so that water for babies is never a huge hassle.


Once your little one celebrates his or her first birthday, you can begin the transition to whole milk.[1] Whole milk has the fat needed to support normal growth and brain development, so you’ll want to ensure you’re not serving low-fat or nonfat milk. When you’re ready, replace formula with milk and serve about 2 to 3 cups each day. You can easily prepare a warm bottle of milk with the new Baby Brezza Instant Warmer Advanced that works just as well with whole milk.

Your munchkin likely will take the change of beverage like a champ, but there’s a chance that he or she might need a little incentive and coaxing. Remember to have patience in this process. While you may be eager to pour milk in your baby’s sippy cup to serve alongside his first birthday cake, know that it takes time to transition your baby from formula to whole milk.


Before you can begin the transition from formula to whole milk, make sure you chat with your baby’s doctor. If your tot was on a hypoallergenic formula for a milk allergy, you want to be cognizant of all the possible side effects. Be open to suggestions from your doctor.

There’s no doubt that the transition is going to be a huge change for your little one’s digestive system. With a thoughtful approach, you can make the change much more enjoyable. According to Working Mother, if your baby is drinking 8 ounces of formula, give him or her two smaller servings of 4 ounces of whole milk with time in between feedings. Eventually, you can serve 16 to 20 ounces of whole milk a day.

By their 1-year birthday, your offspring is hopefully enjoying solid foods. Try adding whole milk to her meal so she looks forward to it the way she does when eating those yummy foods. The Baby Brezza One Step Homemade Baby Food Maker Deluxe can help with that adjustment along the way–making solid baby food in as little as 10 minutes! As time goes on, watch for any signs of an allergic reaction and consult a pediatrician as soon as possible. Once your little one is ready for whole milk, parents’ usual next question is, “Can I warm whole milk for my baby?” The answer is yes!

How to Warm Up Whole Milk for Baby
To warm whole milk for baby, follow these simple steps:

  1. Use a Bottle Warmer: A product like Baby Brezza's Smart Bottle & Breastmilk Warmer with Bluetooth can safely warm the milk to the perfect temperature.
  2. Warm in Hot Water: Place the bottle in a bowl of warm water for a few minutes, then test it on your wrist before feeding.
  3. Avoid Microwaving: Microwaving can cause uneven heating and hot spots, so it's best to avoid it.


Parents often wonder when to give baby water safely to avoid any harm. From the time your baby turns 6 months, you can add water into the picture. But, only a little bit. Water is typically not recommended for infants since it doesn’t contain electrolytes. This is why you want to hold off until your curious crawler is at 6 months of age.

How Much Water Can a 6 Month Old Have?

Knowing when to water to introduce babies should be considered delicate, but not dangerous with the correct knowledge. From 6 to 12 months, breastmilk and formula should still be your baby’s primary source of hydration. However, you can start incorporating small amounts of water at a time[2]. Four to eight ounces a day is enough water at this age, as too much could lead to health issues and sickness.

Since you’re most likely experimenting with solid foods from 6 to 12 months, you can pair water in a sippy cup with that food to make swallowing easier, according to Care.com®. This doubles as a transition mechanism for getting your little one off the bottle and moving to whole milk. Spilled water is no biggie, right?


Inevitably, parents will wonder when to give baby juice. Many juices can serve as a source of vitamins– not to mention, they taste great! However, there’s a lot to take into account when looking into when it’s right to give baby juice. Once your baby routinely ingests water and milk, it may be tempting to get creative with what their palate can stand. But, juice can wait! They don’t offer as much nutritional value and are really only advised for toddlers when seeking constipation relief. According to Parents®, “many types of juice are loaded with sugar, and you don’t want to get your kiddo hooked on sugary beverages at this early stage.” It’s best to wait until they are about 8 months to introduce juice, and that typically allows for the consumption of prune or pear juice for constipation issues.

If you insist, treat your little one to a cup of juice after a meal. Make sure it’s 100% fruit juice to avoid all those added sugars. Talk about a bouncing baby! As an alternative, try serving fruit purees over juice so your baby can continue to get something that’s sweet and nutritious.

Be sure to take diligent steps when transitioning your little one from formula and breast milk to a new liquid. Timing is everything when it comes to changing up your baby’s dietary routine. Proceed with caution, and always make sure your growing baby continues to get all the nutrition he or she needs to remain happy and healthy.

Is Water or Juice Healthier for a Baby?

Due to the amount of sugar alone, water for babies is generally healthier. If you do give your baby juice, make sure to dilute it with water (one part juice to 10 parts water). While certain juices contain healthy vitamins, be mindful of how much you’re giving baby between 6 and 12 months of age.

Baby Feeding & Formula Prep

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