The Ultimate Diaper Bag Essentials Checklist for Stress-Free Baby Trav – Baby Brezza
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The Ultimate Diaper Bag Essentials Checklist for Stress-Free Baby Travel

Are you looking to make baby travel a stress-free experience? A diaper bag is an absolute must-have for parents on-the-go. From diapers to wipes, bottles and toys, a well-stocked diaper bag ensures you have everything you need for your baby when you’re out and about. To make sure you have all the essentials, we've put together the ultimate diaper bag checklist to make baby travel easier than ever. Keep reading for the must-have items you need to make sure you're prepared for any baby travel adventure!


Diaper Cream

When packing for your holiday with your baby, one essential item you don't want to forget is diaper rash cream. It's important to keep your baby's sensitive skin protected and prevent any discomfort while traveling. Remember to also pack diaper cream applicators so you can apply diaper cream without using your fingers directly.


One of the most essential items in any diaper bag is baby wipes. When you're on holiday with your baby, you can't always rely on finding a bathroom with changing facilities. Baby wipes will be your savior in those situations where you need to clean up a dirty diaper, dirty hands, or even spills.

But not all wipes are created equal. Make sure you choose a brand that's gentle on your baby's skin and is fragrance-free. If you're traveling, consider buying wipes in bulk to avoid running out of them on your trip.

Pro tip: Always carry a small pack of wipes in your purse or pocket, so you're prepared for unexpected messes when you're out and about with your baby.

Make sure to pack plenty of wipes for your next holiday. Trust us, you'll be grateful for these mess-free, gentle wipes when you're out and about with your little one.


Of course, one of the most important items to include in your diaper bag is diapers. You never know when your little one is going to need a fresh diaper, so it’s important to always have a stash on hand.

Spare Clothes

As any parent knows, babies can be messy little creatures, so it’s always a good idea to pack spare clothes in your diaper bag. Whether it’s a diaper blowout or spilled food, accidents happen, and having a change of clothes can save the day. When packing spare clothes, think about the weather and the activities you have planned for the day. Pack extra layers in case the temperature drops, or if you’re heading to the beach, don’t forget to bring a swimsuit and a towel.

Remember to also pack socks, hats, and any other accessories your baby may need to stay comfortable. It’s better to have too many spare clothes than not enough, so don’t be afraid to pack a few extra outfits just in case. 


Bibs are a must-have for any diaper bag. They not only keep your baby's clothes clean during feedings but can also double as a makeshift drool cloth. 


Another one of the most important things to consider when packing your diaper bag for a day out with your little one is ensuring that you have enough bottles and formula or breast milk to keep them fed and satisfied. 

Snacks + Drinks

When it comes to traveling with your little one, snacks and drinks are an absolute must-have in your diaper bag. It's essential to pack snacks that are healthy, easy to eat, and won't make a mess in your bag. Choose age-appropriate snacks, like teething biscuits or cut-up fruit, and pack them in airtight containers to keep them fresh.

In addition to snacks, don't forget to pack plenty of drinks, especially if you're traveling in warmer weather. Water is always a safe bet, but you can also pack juice or milk if your little one prefers it. It's best to pack drinks in spill-proof cups or bottles to avoid any mess in your diaper bag.

Remember to pack enough snacks and drinks to last throughout your trip, including any unexpected delays or changes in plans. With a total of 17 pockets, we're sure you'll be able to fit all the snacks and drinks you and your baby need in the Baby Brezza ENZO!


Don't underestimate the power of a good toy to keep your little one entertained and distracted during diaper changes or long car rides. Depending on your baby's age and preferences, pack a few toys that are lightweight, easy to clean, and won't take up too much space in your diaper bag. Rattles, teething rings, and plush toys are all great options. For older babies, consider bringing some board books or small puzzles to keep them engaged and stimulated. It's also a good idea to switch up the toys every now and then to keep things fresh and exciting for your little one.


One essential item that you should always pack in your diaper bag is a first-aid kit. Accidents and injuries can happen anytime, anywhere, and being prepared can save you a lot of stress and worry. 

  • an up-to-date first-aid manual
  • adhesive tape
  • adhesive bandages (Band-Aids) in several sizes
  • an elastic bandage
  • a splint
  • antiseptic wipes
  • soap
  • hand sanitizer
  • antiseptic solution (like hydrogen peroxide)
  • sterile water, saline (saltwater), or irrigation solution and a large syringe for washing cuts
  • tweezers
  • sharp scissors
  • safety pins
  • disposable instant cold packs
  • alcohol wipes or ethyl alcohol
  • a thermometer
  • tooth preservation kit
  • plastic non-latex gloves (at least 2 pairs)
  • a flashlight and extra batteries
  • a mouthpiece for giving CPR (you can get one from your local Red Cross)
  • an eye shield
  • eye wash solution
  • Keep medicines your family might need in your kit, such as:
  • antibiotic ointment
  • hydrocortisone cream (1%)
  • calamine lotion
  • acetaminophen and ibuprofen
  • an antihistamine (anti-itch medicine), like Benadryl, Zyrtec, Claritin, or store brands
  • extra prescription medicines (if you're traveling)
  • medicine syringes and cups
After you've stocked your first-aid kits:
  • Read the first-aid manual so you'll understand how to use what's in your kits. (If your kids are old enough to understand, review the main points with them.) Read the manual from time to time and check to see if it is up to date.
  • Store first-aid kits out of children's reach but where adults can easily get them.
  • Check the kits regularly. Replace missing items or anything that has expired.
  • Make sure babysitters and other caregivers know where the kit is and how to use it.
  • Check the flashlight batteries to make sure they work.
If you're flying check with your local airport for a list of permitted items. *John Hopkins All Children's Hospital 

    Make sure your first-aid kit is easily accessible and well-stocked. Remember to regularly check your supplies and replace any items that have expired or have been used. With a first-aid kit in your diaper bag, you can be confident that you're prepared for any bumps and bruises your little one may encounter while you're on the go.

    Baby Diapering Travel

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