How to Help Prevent SIDS | Baby Brezza
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How to Help Prevent SIDS

SIDS is one of most parent's worst nightmares, but with these simple SIDS prevention steps, it can be prevented, helping you and your baby to sleep without worry. Can SIDS be prevented completely? While there’s no absolute solution to knowing how to prevent SIDS in its entirety, this handful of tips to prevent SIDS can go a long way toward keeping your baby safe and avoiding this tragedy.

1) Always place your baby in his/her sleep space alone

Believe it or not, SIDS in newborns can be avoided further by letting your little one sleep alone. The safest place for your little one to sleep is by themselves, in their own safe sleep space. Your little one should only sleep in an approved bassinet or crib. The space should have a firm, breathable mattress and be completely empty. This means only a fitted sheet and ensuring there are no toys, blankets, bumpers etc. in the crib. Place the crib away from anything that they could grab and pull into their space.

Do you have to buy a SIDS mattress?

While there are many mattresses on the market that advertise a design that helps prevent SIDS, the truth is that it can still happen– however, there are certain guidelines that parents should always use when shopping for the right mattress and hoping to curb any risk of SIDS. The most important part is finding a breathable mattress. Mattresses and blankets that are too soft can block your baby’s airways and cause suffocation. Remember to keep the crib away from anything baby can grab, and to only use a fitted sheet in the crib for the first year.

2) Always place your baby on their back

Your baby’s risk of SIDS is much higher any time they sleep on their side or stomach (if they are unable to roll to and from these positions on their own). These positions put your baby’s face in the mattress or sleeping area, and if they are unable to roll back over on their own, it is extremely unsafe. Another important tip to prevent SIDS is to ensure that they are on their back for downtimes.[1]

Anytime you put your baby in their bed to sleep, for naps, for bedtime, or any time make sure you lay them down on their back.

3) Room sharing

Share a room with your baby, but not the same bed. Place the crib or bassinet near your bed so you can easily monitor your baby. When a baby sleeps in the same room as mom, studies show it lowers the risk of SIDS. It is dangerous for a baby to sleep with another child or an adult in the same bed, chair, or on a couch.

If you bring your baby into your bed for comfort or feeding, make sure to place your baby in their own bassinet or crib when it’s time to put them down for sleep. If you are tired, don’t feed while sitting in a chair or on a couch in case you fall asleep.[2]

4) Keep your baby cool 

Overheating may raise a baby's risk of SIDS, so make sure you dress your infant in light, comfortable clothes for sleeping. Keep the room temperature between 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit which is a comfortable level for sleep. When swaddling, make sure baby is only wearing a thin, cotton onesie for maximum breathability, especially during warm months. 

5) Offer a pacifier

A pacifier might help reduce the risk of (SIDS). Research has shown that sucking on a pacifier during sleep times might reduce the risk of SIDS and can also help with soothing. 

How does a pacifier prevent SIDS?

For the first year of your newborn’s life, using a pacifier can help keep the tongue in a position that is less likely to block the airway. However, letting baby sleep with a pacifier for too long can increase the risk of ear infection– after the first year, try to transition your little one away from needing a pacifier throughout the night. 

6) Breastfeeding: How does breastfeeding prevent SIDS? 

Breastfeeding has been shown to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Breastfed infants experience fewer infections, such as ear and respiratory infections, which are associated with an increased risk of SIDS. Additionally, breast milk provides essential nutrients that support healthy brain development, aiding in the maturation of an infant's respiratory control mechanisms. Breastfed babies also tend to have more arousable sleep patterns, which can be protective against SIDS.[3]





If you need help with assessing your baby's sleep space or have any sleep questions, please reach out to me,  

Baby Brezza is proud to partner with sleep coach Molly Leighton. She can help you get your your baby on a solid schedule and achieve your goals. Contact Molly at, visit her website at or follow her on Instagram (@sleep.shore) or Facebook (@sleepshore) 

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