Give Yourself the Gift of Time for the Holidays [How Baby Brezza Can Save Parents Time!]
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Time Saving Gifts: Give Yourself the Gift of Time With Baby Brezza!

We here at Baby Brezza have been through it all. We understand the day-to-day time and financial considerations, which can keep a parent up at night, depriving an already exhausted person of restorative sleep.

During the holidays, those worries seem to multiply. Putting yourself and your baby or toddler at the top of your holiday gift list is the best way to find comfort and joy during this hectic time of year. With a holiday gift from Baby Brezza you will receive the greatest gift of all – time! Time saving gifts can save parents a lot of stress, as well as the obvious– wasted time. When considering the perfect gift to save time, it’s important to think about where time gets lost the most. Unfortunately, as exciting as feeding time can be, it can soak up tons of time, from prep to clean-up. 

You’ll love your Baby Brezza gifts so much you’ll want to write a thank-you note to yourself.

The One Step Baby Food Maker Deluxe

When you’re pregnant, making your own baby food from scratch seems like one of those idyllic fantasies you’re determined to turn into a reality. After your baby is born, however, making homemade baby food only seems possible if your first name is “Martha” and your last name is “Stewart.”

But what if there was an easier and cheaper way to make baby food at home?

 Become your own household chef by employing a little time management into your recipes– with more time on your hands, you’ll have more time to experiment with creating interesting, healthy, and delicious homemade baby food options. With the Baby Brezza One Step Baby Food Maker Deluxe you can automatically steam nutritious food and then blend it to baby’s liking in 1 Easy Step! more standing at the stove with a baby on your hip. No more spilling food on the floor as you transfer it from a pot to a blender. (Yes, this will disappoint the dog.) No more worrying about what’s in the food you’re putting into baby’s mouth. Time saving gift ideas reach further than just prep time– all that research into which preservatives are in those store-bought jars of baby food, going back and forth to the grocery store to get more jars that will be empty within a day or two, and all the clean-up involved in steaming and blending food with all the wrong tools add up to a lot of wasted time. 

The 3-cup capacity allows you to make multiple meals at once. The bowl and blades are dishwasher safe and the steam tank is designed for easy filling. Also included are three reusable baby food pouches, which will also save you time and money.

Store-bought baby food is convenient, but it can often contain additives and preservatives. Don’t you want your baby’s carrots to be carrots and nothing but the carrots?

And then there’s the cost. After all, time is money.

At two feedings per day (rising to four per day as baby grows), the cost of store-bought food would go from a low of approximately $60 per month initially, to $180 per month!

Making your own homemade baby food, using peas purchased at $1.99 per 14 oz. bag (a typical price/quantity), the cost of providing wholesome, safe and nutritious baby food plummets to $32 per month of feeding! That's a lot of $avings! After all, time is money, and we’re here to help you save both with the best time saving gifts that are guaranteed to keep a little extra dough around for even better ingredients and meal times. 

As a bonus, cooking healthy foods for baby may mean healthier options for parents. If you’re going to spend time chopping and washing broccoli, avocado, green beans and potatoes, you might as well save some veggies for yourself and not order a pizza.

Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced

Breastfeeding 24/7 isn’t always an option for new mothers. No matter how hard a mom tries to give the baby a breast all the time, life often gets in the way.

Transitioning from a breast to a bottle can be confusing for many infants. Some show their disapproval by refusing to latch on to anything that isn’t dear, old mom.

During the first year of a baby’s life, a little one can go through a whopping 1800 bottles. With the Formula Pro Advanced, you can automate bottle preparation and say goodbye to the hassles of manual bottle preparation. The Formula Pro Advanced saves you time making bottles by automatically measuring, dispensing, and mixing water with powdered formula and warming it to the perfect temperature and consistency – all with the push of a button!

The Formula Pro Advanced will soon be your new best friend, especially at night!





Baby Brezza Bottle Washer Pro

Speaking of time-saving gifts, washing and sterilizing all those baby bottles can be a very time consuming task. Help lighten their load with the new Baby Brezza Bottle Washer Pro. This is an innovative time-saving product that washes, sterilizes and dries bottles, pump parts, pacifiers and more. With 20 high-pressure jets, steam that kills 99.9% of germs, and HEPA filtered hot air, you can rest assured this product will save time and keep baby safe.

It’s the greatest gift you could give to your baby…and yourself.

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